Meet Dr. Pietro
Natural Health Specialist since 40 years
Dr. Pietro Randazzo Ph.D. is an Investigator, Doctor of Psychology, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Homoeopathic Medicine, Oriental Medicine, Biological Medicine, in Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Naprapathy, with a multidisciplinary training carried out throughout his professional life, which has enabled him over 40 years of career to develop different types of exclusive and unique approaches to treat over than 100.000 of patients internationally, especially for incomprehensible cases to official medicine, deemed unmanageable and without prospects of solution.
Now he is close to retirement and selects a lot his current clientele.
He is an essayist and dedicates himself to writing books on Medicine, Psychology and Theology.
He has always been also an artist and deals with Medieval Painting, Sacred Iconography, Contemporary Design at Polychrome Ballpoint Biro having been the first in Italy since the '70s, in Florence.
Receives by appointment in Spain (Zamora - Ciudad Real / Barcelona - Madrid).
Abroad, periodically, in Spain.
"When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything." Lao Tzu
Naturopathic Holistic Pyhilosophy - Why Naturopathic Medicine?
When one pursues knowledge and understanding, then philosophy is ever changing.
Philosophy gives us a foundation from which to build and develop our thinking process.
Philosophy, coupled with reality, guides our actions. Our experiences mold our philosophy and ultimately, our behavior.
Our philosophy on health, healing and wellness:
The human body is a self-regulating, self-maintaining, self-healing organism.
There is a continuum of human ailment that spans from wellness to death, with a seemingly infinite spectrum of dysfunction and disease in-between.
Any deviation from wellness is due firstly spiritual, emotional, trans-genereational factors, and last, environmental factors interacting negatively with an individual’s constitution.
Dysfunction and disease are fundamentally different and must be treated by the Naturopathic Physician as such in order to obtain the best possible outcome for the patient.
Just as there is a spectrum of dysfunction and disease, so is there a spectrum of appropriate therapies to address them.
Healing is the process by which a patient acts in accordance with his/her own belief system, individual biochemistry and genetics (constitution).
Healing of chronic illness can best take place under the care of a Naturopathic Doctor who looks at the whole patient, not just at symptoms or disease.
This physician is considered to be holistic.
The Naturopathic / Holistic Doctor should evaluate the patient completely.
He should prescribe lifestyle modification and treatment that brings the patient into alignment with his/her constitution.
The goal for every Naturopathic Doctor and every patient should be wellness; a complete form of health and well-being.
If the Naturopathic Doctor's goals and the patient’s goals are the same, their success will be far greater than if they are different.
This demands communication between doctor and patient.
Life and living matter have their limits. It is also important to respect the process of death, though we may fight against it vigorously.
It can help with
Women's Health
Weight Loss
Stress and ... all ills that are especially incomprehensible, inexplicable, no longer treatable ...
Go to Dr. Randazzo's Specialties Sites:
Chiropractic/Naprapathy/Osteopathy ::: InfHomoeopathy© ::: Medical Radiestesy ::: Hypnosis
Your Wellness Starts Here
Contact Info
0039 / 348 - 06 - 14 - 238 Da Remoto
Zamora, Ciudad Real / Barcelona, Madrid - Spain